Featured Dentist
Dr. Leonard Hoffenberg
Level 2, 74 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Author: PMSI Support

When to Call an Emergency Dentist

When to Call an Emergency Dentist

Unexpected dental problems, from inexplicable sudden tooth pain, to an accidental blow to the jaw that knocks your teeth loose, aren’t just inconvenient and painful, but dangerous to your oral and overall health.

But when do dental or tooth issues become severe enough to see an emergency dentist? In this guide we’ll take you through some of the most common scenarios, and what you should do about them.

As always, whenever in doubt, give us a shout. Our team is here to help, and you needn’t suffer in silence.

Common Dental Emergencies and When You Need to See an Emergency Dentist

Tooth pain is your body’s way of signalling for help. In some cases, putting it off can lead to serious complications requiring additional treatment.
From a sensitive tooth to a lost crown, no ‘emergency’ is too trivial for you to give us a call.

Broken, Chipped, or Cracked Tooth

While a small chip may not be considered an emergency, larger chips, cracks, or broken teeth can be quite serious and require emergency care. There are many common day to day activities that could result in a broken or chipped tooth. An accident or fall could seriously damage a tooth. Chewing on harder foods or ice could also be to blame. It’s important to try to avoid eating anything that may damage your teeth, but if damage does happen it’s best to get help from a professional as soon as possible.

If the chip or crack has penetrated past the enamel coating on your tooth, you’re looking at a serious situation. These types of breaks can cause severe pain and lead to further damage if left untreated. The best thing you can do is rinse your mouth with clean water, then apply a cold compress to the impacted area and take an anti-inflammatory to reduce the inflammation and alleviate the pain.

Please note: these measures are only good for temporary relief until you can get into our office for emergency care.


An abscess is an infection of the area between the root of a tooth and the gums. An abscess will usually result in a painful bump on your gums. If you suspect you have an abscess, it’s extremely important to seek proper care as soon as possible by giving us a call or stopping by the office. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the bloodstream, causing sepsis (a toxic and fatal condition!).

While waiting to see your oral health care provider, rinse your mouth regularly with warm salt water (using high-quality sea salt is preferable to table salt). This will help relieve the pain and reduce the pus.

Knocked-out Tooth

If one of your teeth gets knocked out, it may be possible to save it if you give us a call and act quickly! It is sometimes possible to re-insert the tooth into the socket. If you can reinsert it yourself, do so but always make sure it is clean first. Hold it in place as best as you can until you can make it to our dental office. If you’re not able to reinsert the tooth, keep it in some milk. A knocked out tooth can usually be saved only if properly reinserted in 2 hours or less.

If the tooth is unable to be saved, several options can be explored for replacement. Dentures, bridges, and dental implants may all be viable options. Our knowledgeable staff can go over your best course of action and help you come up with the right choice given your circumstances.

Tooth or Mouth Pain

Toothaches and mouth pain can be caused by a variety of things. It could simply be an issue of something being lodged in your teeth. However, it could also be an indicator of a larger problem such as an abscess.

If you experience sudden tooth pain, the first thing you should do is rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. You can then use floss to remove any food particles that may be stuck in your teeth causing discomfort.

If you’re still experiencing pain there may be a bigger issue at bay. Schedule an appointment with your oral care professional as soon as you can. In the meantime, you can use a cold compress on your face to relieve the pain. Applying pain medication directly to the gums isn’t recommended as it can result in tissue damage.

Don’t ignore sudden pain, swelling or discomfort: no emergency is too small or trivial to compromise your health!

If you find yourself suffering from any sudden pain or trauma to your teeth, mouth, or gums, don’t hesitate to reach out to the friendly and experienced team today. Give us a call at any time and we will get you the earliest possible emergency dental appointment.

Coronavirus and Safety at your Local Dental Clinic

Coronavirus and Safety at your Local Dental Clinic

Following recent media coverage about masks and dentistry, I would like to spend a moment to clarify information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the dental setting. At TLC Dental, it is business as usual. We fortunately had the foresight to plan ahead and hence have a healthy stockpile of masks. We are as busy as ever.

I also want to reassure our patients that the risk of exposure to the virus in our dental surgery is extremely low to nil. We have always practiced and continue to practice “Universal Precaution”. This means that we sterilise all our instruments and disinfect all clinical and reception areas in between every patient to ensure that all viral and bacterial cross contamination is not possible, not just for the current Coronavirus, but for all communicable diseases. Our staff are fully trained and certified to do this to the highest “Hospital” standards.

For more information on our infection control protocols, visit the recommended guidelines for infection control at https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/publications/australian-guidelines-prevention-and-control-infection-healthcare-2019

This ensures the utmost safety for all our patients, staff and our families.

There are many websites that has information on COVID-19. However, I urge everyone to only use reputable sources like the Australian Medical Association website to ensure you have the most accurate and up to date information.



What specifically are we doing at our practice to protect patients?

Our strict protocol includes our font desk manager establishing if patients have:

  • A fever/history of fever AND shortness of breath or a cough or a sore throat.
  • Severe acute respiratory infection.
  • Travelled overseas in the last 2 weeks, especially to China, Iran and South Korea, where the number of infected cases has risen dramatically.
  • Been in close contact with anyone who has had confirmed Coronavirus (Covid-19) or who has been in a health facility treating them.

We urge that patients relating to the above hold off urgent dental treatment for at least 2 weeks after the potential exposure.

This is also applicable to all our staff members

Benefits of Invisalign

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment for both teens and adults to achieve your perfect smile. Many of our patients wonder if Invisalign is the best option compared with traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces? Here we explain some of the differences

Most minor and moderate cases can be treated with Invisalign, but it’s always best to have a smile assessment with Dr Hoff to see what option is best for your individual situation. Depending on the length of your treatment plan, you’ll have between ten and 40 Invisalign clear aligners total. Treatment times range from 6 to 18 months in general. You’ll change out your aligners with a new set approximately once a fortnight. Each new aligner will gradually and discreetly straighten your teeth over time with easy maintenance and fewer appointments than with traditional braces. Once treatment is complete, you’ll keep a clear retainer to wear at night to maintain your awesome smile.


Invisalign or Braces?

  • Easier to clean and better hygiene. You take out the Invisalign clear trays when you eat and brush, which means there’s less of a chance for white spots on the tooth surface and cavities. It’s very convenient to be able to enjoy all of the same foods you currently eat.
  • No food stuck in the brackets. Patients who have gone through traditional braces in the past have found that certain food such as bread tends to get stuck in between the wires and brackets, and is a pain to clean out, especially if you’re at a restaurant or eating over at a friend’s house.
  • Looks great. Invisalign trays are transparent and almost invisible, you can talk and smile without worrying about people seeing brackets or wires in your mouth.
  • Works with most patients’ lifestyles. If you travel a lot or are away at college and can’t always make it for an appointment, you can keep multiple sets of trays to hand.
  • Few age restrictions. Invisalign is effective for kids as young as 7 or 8 and adults in their 40’s and 50’s.
  • No messy impressions before treatment starts! We use digital 3D impressions to map your entire mouth prior to treatment. This is more comfortable for you and a lot more accurate since the scan is completely digital.
  • Saves time. You won’t have to come back to the practice to receive your new trays. We typically give you a few sets at each visit, so our patients average a clinic visit once every month and a half once after the initial visits. The initial visits are more frequent to ensure everything is moving as it should.


Differences Between Invisalign and Other Clear Aligners

The biggest difference between Invisalign braces treatment and other clear aligners (like Smile Direct Club) is that Invisalign has features that others don’t have. Invisalign uses tooth coloured attachments on your teeth to make more precise movements. Invisalign trays also have different ridges that push the teeth more efficiently. Invisalign allows Dr Hoff to have more control over your teeth movement and is able to treat a broader range of cases, including more complex bite cases.

Straightening your teeth is a medical/dental procedure; with any health care, you’ll want a licenced medical professional monitoring your treatment throughout the process and performing regular checks to ensure most efficient and effective treatment. Braces that you receive in the mail can’t do that and may lead to unforeseen dental issues.


Time-Tested Orthodontic Treatment

Another benefit of Invisalign is that millions of people from around the world have been treated, and thus we are able to pull from a vast database of treatment cases. If you have a fairly unique case, we have a way to use past successes to ensure your treatment gets the desired results.


Invisalign for a Straighter Smile

Invisalign has been proven to be an effective, discreet and comfortable way to straighten your smile! Just like with any dental treatment, Dr Hoff will discuss your options with you at your initial smile assessment to learn your individual wants and needs. A straighter smile will help you be more confident smiling and talking – our dental team is excited to help you on your journey!

Considering Dental Implants? Sydney CBD Dentist Explains Your Options

Considering Dental Implants? Sydney CBD Dentist Explains Your Options

If you are missing teeth, Sydney CBD cosmetic dentist, Dr. Leonard Hoffenberg recommends looking into dental implants as a permanent solution. Teeth can be lost for a variety of reasons whether due to poor oral health or an accident that knocks out a tooth. Whatever the reason for your missing teeth, dental implants can restore your beautiful smile, allowing you to present yourself with confidence again. Another great benefit is that nothing needs to be removed when you are eating or sleeping.

What Are Dental Implants*

Dental implants are remarkably natural looking and will look exactly that same as your own teeth. They are also very resilient and can easily last more than ten years if you have good oral hygiene habits.

With dental implants, you have a titanium artificial root embedded into the jawline in order to permanently hold the false tooth in place. Titanium is used because of how effectively it incorporates the process of osseointegration. This is an essential part of the dental implant process where the jaw bone acts as an anchor for the titanium root due to the bone fusing with the titanium, providing permanent stability.

If you are missing more than one tooth a bridge is most often the solution with a specialized bridge being used when it will be anchored to dental implants. When this is the case the titanium tooth implant is placed into the holding spaces on the bridge, firmly and permanently holding the bridge in place. The bridge would not be put into place until osseointegration on the dental implants intended to hold it in place is complete.

Single Implant
4 Implant
11 Implants (6 upper, 5 lower)

Dental Implant Options for Multiple Missing Teeth:

There are a few options available to those who are missing most of their teeth and need full mouth tooth restoration. One option involves having six to eight titanium anchors placed inside the jaw bone with a bridge placed after osseointegration has occurred. Once the titanium roots are permanently in place then the porcelain crowns are added to complete the smile in a total restoration process. These crowns and the dental bridge would not be removable and would be in place permanently.

Another option is to have implants that would be anchored to a removable bridge. This process would involve embedding fewer implants to act as anchors for the dental bridge that is removable. This method allows for the bridge or removable dentures to be more securely in place while eating and socializing which is a great benefit when compared with traditional dentures.

Care for your dental implants is performed in the same way that you care for your natural teeth. Good oral hygiene is an essential part of the dental implantation process. Doing the best you can to keep your gums healthy by taking care of the teeth you have is an important first step to preparing for the dental implant process.

FREE Smile Assessment and Dental Implant Consultation:

If you are tired to dealing with ill-fitting removable dentures or if you are ready to replace the missing teeth in your smile we invite you to contact Dr. Leonard Hoffenberg of TLC Dental in Sydney CBD at (02) 8599 7121 for more information about dental implants.

Request a consultation

*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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How to Get to our Dental Clinic

TLC Dental is located in Sydney's CBD at 2/74 Castlereagh Street, conveniently located near Martin Place and the MLC Centre. There is public transport nearby with numerous bus stops and train stations within walking distance. Parking is also available at the MLC Centre, Westfield, or Stockland Piccadilly Shopping Centre. We are only a few minutes walk from places like Circle Quay Ferries, the State Library of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Garden and the Sydney Tower Eye.

Terms & Conditions
Zoom Teeth Whitening Offer
  1. Limit 1 per person and subject to availability
  2. Must be 18 years of age or older to use vouchers
  3. Includes a Free Smile Assessment which must be face to face.
  4. Whitening Smile Deals ™ price includes
    • Before and after written instructions
    • Before and after photos
    • 4 (four) applications for 15 minutes each of Philips Zoom ™ whitening gel as per the recommendations
    • Relief gel for after home care.
  5. Does not include a general dental check-up and clean but can be used with other Smile Deal vouchers such as $199 check-up and clean or the Smile Deal ™ Invisalign voucher for $6500
  6. 24 hour cancellation notice is required if you need to change your appointment time

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.

Terms & Conditions
Free Smile Assessment Offer:
  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
  4. Does not include a full examination, x-rays or a scale and polish.
  5. Free Smile Assessment offer can be used in conjunction with other offers such as Whitening, Check up and Polish, and Invisalign offers.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.