Featured Dentist
Dr. Abir Rammo
Shop 4-160 Ramsgate Road, Ramsgate Beach, NSW 2217
What to Expect During a Root Canal

What to Expect During a Root Canal

A general dentist can perform a root canal.  However, there are times when they will send you to a specialist. Root canals are performed when the nerve has been damaged due to decay or injury. They can also be used for teeth that have become infected or broken as well as those that are severely worn down from excessive brushing and grinding of teeth.

What is a root canal? Why do general dentists perform root canals?

A root canal is a procedure that removes infected and damaged tissue in the tooth root. A general dentist performs a root canal when there is pain or discomfort or when the tooth has died.

A root canal is a dental procedure to remove the tooth’s nerve and pulp from inside the tooth. This can help prevent infection that can lead to an abscess, which is a collection of pus at the site of an infection. Many times this allows the dentist to save the tooth from extraction. While the tooth is dead, it will remain in the mouth and a cap will be placed on it to protect it. It will not be able to get the nutrients that it needs. However, with a cap, it will still remain strong.

What are the Benefits of Root Canals?

Root canal therapy is a procedure to save teeth that have developed a cavity. Root canal therapy can save the tooth from being extracted and replaced with a dental implant. It is often less costly to do than going the dental implant route.

The benefits of root canal therapy are:

  • The tooth can be saved from being extracted and replaced with a dental implant.
  • It reduces the risk of infection.

What are the different types of root canal treatments?

Root canals are used to save teeth that have been decayed or cracked due to decay. Usually, they are used for teeth that are in a lot of pain, however, there isn’t always pain. They can be done with either local anesthetic or without any anesthesia at all. The general dentist can perform some simple tests within the office to determine your pain level and give medication accordingly.

Types of root canal treatments:

  • Endodontic therapy. This form of root canal treatment is your typical root canal which removes the inner nerve tissue of the tooth and seals the inner chamber. You might need nonsurgical root canal therapy if your tooth has experienced extensive decay that can’t be fixed with a filling, or if you have an infection that’s compromised the nerves of your tooth.
  • Pulpotomies and pulpectomies are typically procedures done on baby teeth, essentially, root canals for children. Both of these procedures help save your child’s natural tooth
  • Apicoectomy. If root canal therapy is unsuccessful, an endodontist will recommend apicoectomy. This treatment is suitable when the infection and inflammation reach the alveolar bone.

How long does a root canal procedure take? Is there any downtime after a root canal treatment?

Root canal procedures are complex and can take a long time to complete. A typical root canal procedure lasts for about 90 minutes, and there is usually no downtime afterward. Root canals are performed when the pulp inside the tooth dies or becomes infected, your dentist will take the steps necessary to remove the nerve so the patient is no longer in any discomfort. You most likely will need a follow up appointment to see how you are doing and to get your finished crown put on the tooth. Most likely after the crown placement, you will not be able to tell that you have a replacement to your natural tooth. Please contact our office today if you think you may need a root canal or have dental discomfort.

Open for Business Covid Update 23rd April

Open for Business Covid Update 23rd April

Australian Dental Association Lifts Level 3 Restrictions for Dental Practices

I would like with great pleasure to break the news that the restrictions on dental treatments has been dropped from level 3 to level 2.

We are still as strict as ever about disinfection and sterilization but at least we can now offer wider range of dental treatments.

To all our patients that had to stop or pause their Invisalign treatment; good news Invisalign and any related orthodontic treatment is now allowed.

We’ve decided to keep offering virtual consults as they are proving to be very popular.

We are taking prior bookings for Invisalign consults and making sure that all treatments are lined up to be started immediately.

Needless to say, this doesn’t mean that we should let or guards down; do practice social distancing and good general hygiene.

Do the right thing and stay safe, remember if you have any dental concerns just get in touch with us.

Dr Rammo


Terms & Conditions
Zoom Teeth Whitening Offer
  1. Limit 1 per person and subject to availability
  2. Must be 18 years of age or older to use vouchers
  3. Includes a Free Smile Assessment which must be face to face.
  4. Whitening Smile Deals ™ price includes
    • Before and after written instructions
    • Before and after photos
    • 4 (four) applications for 15 minutes each of Philips Zoom ™ whitening gel as per the recommendations
    • Relief gel for after home care.
  5. Does not include a general dental check-up and clean but can be used with other Smile Deal vouchers such as $199 check-up and clean or the Smile Deal ™ Invisalign voucher for $6500
  6. 24 hour cancellation notice is required if you need to change your appointment time

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.

Terms & Conditions
Free Smile Assessment Offer:
  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
  4. Does not include a full examination, x-rays or a scale and polish.
  5. Free Smile Assessment offer can be used in conjunction with other offers such as Whitening, Check up and Polish, and Invisalign offers.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.

Terms & Conditions
Free Smile Assessment Offer:
  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
  4. Does not include a full examination, x-rays or a scale and polish.
  5. Free Smile Assessment offer can be used in conjunction with other offers such as Whitening, Check up and Polish, and Invisalign offers.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.