What Are Dental Implants and Should You Get Them?

Dental implants are much more than just a simple procedure designed to make your teeth look better. They also have numerous health benefits, and should your gums and bone structure be able to support them, they can keep your teeth safe and healthy for a long time to come.

Should you really get a dental implant? As long as you live in Australia, there is every chance to find a dependable dentist who can implement all types of implants without any problems; however, you do have to consider whether getting implants or alternative procedures such as a bone graft might be more suitable in your case.

An Overview of Tooth Implants

Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are implanted into the jawbone in order to support artificial teeth or bridges. The procedure requires surgery, and has been perfected in recent years to allow for longer stability and the addition of teeth made of sturdier, more realistic looking materials.

Unlike dentures, implants don’t come loose too easily, and they require minimal maintenance since they don’t have to be fastened to other teeth. For the same reason, implants last longer and also benefit general dental health.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

A tooth implant is commonly made from titanium, so its resilience and long term durability is not an issue. Because of this, it is highly supportive, and can allow dentists to mount replacement teeth or even bridges in the area where the implant was secured within the bone structure.

There are two types of implants that are considered to be 100% safe, and are also most commonly available: endosteal and subperiosteal implants.

Secured directly into the jawbone, endosteal implants are surgically implanted, and require a second surgery once the gums have healed. That procedure will allow your dentist to connect a post to your original implant. After both surgeries are completed successfully, artificial teeth are added to the post either individually or collectively grouped on a denture or bridge.

Subperiosteal dental implants also include a frame that is fastened to the jawbone for added structural integrity. Posts are attached to the frame, allowing artificial teeth to be added to them in a similar fashion as in the case of endosteal implants.

The Main Points About Getting a Dental Implant

Whether or not you should get a dental implant will be based on a final verdict from your dentist. Australian specialists look closely at the gums and bone structure to determine whether the bone is too thin, or whether there isn’t enough bone height to support a stable implant. In such cases in Australia, dental implants are avoided, and you’ll have to consider a bone graft or sinus lift as an alternative.

In many cases, however, a healthy jaw bone structure may mean that you can safely get your implants within a few days. The procedures involved are quick, simple, and painless. Also, with the help of an expert Australian dentist like Dr. Caroline Downing, you’ll find the healing time to be cut down, and your new dental implants will be ready in no time.

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