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Invisalign is a dental technology which provides a fantastic alternative to traditional train-track metal braces. Invisalign involves placing removable aligners over the teeth in order to straighten the teeth and also to make the smile on your face more attractive and improve your confidence.
The first step in this treatment starts with an orthodontist taking a set of computer images so as to make of picture of your teeth current state and the way they will appear after the treatment. The procedure is very precise, and the dentist does not work on guesswork at all, and so you can get a glimpse of how your future smile will be.
After the dentist takes the images, they are sent to the laboratory and your aligners are made. Aligners are simply small trays that will fit your jawline. They assist in pushing your teeth into the new position. The good thing with these aligners is that unlike the old braces which usually require regular tightening, these aligners are gentle, and the results are noticed over time gradually.
If you follow the instructions issued by your dentist, your teeth will be aligned and straightened withing the particular period. Unlike the metal braces, the aligners are merely invisible, and you will go through the treatment without anyone noticing. You should retain the aligner for at least 20 hours every day. You will remove them only when you are brushing, eating or drinking some liquid. If you fix these aligners and follow the instructions for about one year, your teeth will be completely aligned allowing you to have a confident smile on your face for the rest of your life.
In the past, people who wanted to straighten their teeth had just one option: unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces. Traditional metal braces can be a cause of embarrassment to anyone who is conscious about their looks, especially among teens. Adults who want their teeth aligned may find traditional braces unsightly and unprofessional.
Invisalign is a virtually invisible method of straightening one’s teeth. Here are some of the benefits of Invisalign:
Virtually Invisible
The main benefit of Invisalign is the ability to straighten your teeth step by step without subjecting you to living with metal wires and brackets in your mouth. Since Invisalign is virtually undetectable, most people will not even notice them. Traditional braces are not only unsightly, but they have the ability to trap food particles, making them look even more unattractive.
These new aligners will not affect your dietary or dental hygiene habits. Therefore, you can drink, eat, floss and brush normally to ensure optimal oral health.
Invisalign aligners are extremely comfortable and since there are no wires or brackets, this treatment minimizes the risk for oral sores and mouth irritation usually associated with metal braces.
Better Oral Health
Traditional braces are extremely difficult to clean on a regular basis. It requires special tools and significant amounts of time to fully remove trapped food particles between metal wires and brackets. Poor cleaning of your metal braces can result in tooth decay and gum disease. Invisalign aligners can be easily removed to allow you to clean your teeth as usual.
As you can see, there are many benefits of Invisalign aligners over traditional metal braces. But they may not be suitable for everybody. Before choosing Invisalign aligners as a treatment, it is advisable to consult a professional dental healthcare provider to determine whether you are good candidate for Invisalign treatment.