03 9068 5185
03 9068 5185
Featured Dentist
Dr. Ian Malkinson
383 Clarendon St
South Melbourne VIC 3205
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Sedation Dentistry
Free Consultation* ($250 value)
Offer Expires: June 1, 2024
(*) Terms & Conditions

Sedation Dentistry at Our South Melbourne Clinic

Now You Can Relax in the Dental Chair.

Does the idea of having dental work have you feeling extra anxious? Do you worry whenever you have to get your teeth cleaned? Would you rather deal with the constant suffering that a toothache brings than go to your dentist?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. Many people are afraid of going to the dentist, and even the thought of it can give them anxiety. Dental phobia is one of the main barriers that keep people from receiving proper treatment. For those with dental anxiety, Dr. Malkinson offers sedation dentistry options that can reduce worries and help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your visit.

If you are considering a general or cosmetic dental procedure and would like to see if Sedation Dentistry is right for you, give Dr. Malkinson's office a call or use our online appointment scheduler to book a FREE Consultation today!

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Ask Dr. Malkinson call 03 9068 5185
Dr. Ian Malkinson

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Sedation is most suitable for those who may avoid the dentist out of fear, anxiety, and even trauma from previous experiences. It could also be useful for those who:

  • Have low pain tolerance
  • Struggle to sit still in the dentist chair
  • Have very sensitive teeth
  • Lack control over their gag reflex
  • Require a large amount of dental work

Children may also be given sedation if they are uncooperative during the visit, or are too terrified to come, in the first place. Sedation techniques utilized by Dr Malkinson are approved and considered safe by health regulatory standards and the effects and potential risks will be discussed with you prior to administration, helping you make the best decision for you and your family.

Question About Sedation Therapy

Is Sleep Dentistry Safe?

Receiving anesthesia always brings some level of risk to the table. Sedation is considered generally safe when administered by experienced professionals. That said, individuals who are obese or suffer from sleep apnea or other medical conditions should consult with their physician before considering sedation dentistry as they may be more prone to complications or other side effects.

What Types of Sedation Do You Offer?

Oral sedation -This can be minimal or moderate sedation depending on the level of dosage given, and may involve medication designed to reduce, anxiety, pain or both.
Inhaled minimal sedation – Involves the inhalation of medication combined with oxygen, generally in the form of a gaseous mixture. The gas flows through a mask that is placed over your nose, helping you relax during your visit. Dr. Malkinson can regulate the amount of sedation that you receive and the effects of the gas wear off rather quickly.
*Depending on the sedation utilized, you may need a friend or family member to drive you home after the procedure.

What Are the After Effects of the Sedation?

The average waiting time after completion of the procedure, but before discharge, is 30-45 minutes. However, we want you to feel comfortable and you may take as much time as you need. Once you have been cleared to leave the office, it will generally take around three to four hours before the effects of the anesthetics have fully worn off.

Call now or use our convenient online scheduler to book in your FREE Smile Assessment appointment with Dr. Malkinson at his office in South Melbourne.


Find Out Why South Melbourne Residents Chose Dr. Malkinson

Going to the dentist can be scary for anyone regardless of age, but through the use of modern sedation, you can help take the “edge” off and make a big difference in your dental experience.

Dr. Malkinson has been serving clients from all around South Melbourne for years. His emphasis on customer satisfaction and a friendly clinic atmosphere set him apart from the competition. To schedule an appointment, call Dr Malkinson’s office today or use our online scheduler.

Additional Services

Dr. Malkinson offers restorative and cosmetic dental services at South Melbourne Dental Practice. No matter what your dental concerns are, Dr. Malkinson and his team can provide the services you need.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry



Dental Implants

Dental Implants

General Dentistry

General Dentistry

*Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. To see a complete list of services we offer click here.