03 9068 5185
03 9068 5185
Featured Dentist
Dr. Ian Malkinson
383 Clarendon St
South Melbourne VIC 3205
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Root Canals
Free Consultation* ($250 value)
Offer Expires: June 1, 2024
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Treatment of Tooth Pain With Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are a treatment used to repair and save teeth that have become infected or decayed. If the tooth is not treated, the surrounding tissue may also become infected and abscesses may form. Root canal procedures consist of removing the nerve and pulp, cleaning inside the tooth, and resealing it.

The nerves in your teeth are not important to health nor function once the tooth has fully emerged from the gums. The only thing it does is tell you whether your tooth is hot or cold. Whether your tooth has its nerves or not, you won’t see any significant difference in your everyday life.

If you’ve started avoiding chewing on one side of your mouth because of a toothache or a tooth that is extra sensitive to hot or cold, a root canal may be necessary. Pain, whether from pressure, hot/cold sensitivity, or for no apparent cause, could be a sign of a serious infection. To schedule a FREE Consultation with Dr. Malkinson, contact his office today!

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Dr. Ian Malkinson

Causes of Tooth Damage and Pain

When the nerve tissue or pulp of a tooth is damaged, it begins to break down which allows bacteria to multiply inside the pulp. The bacteria and other debris can cause an abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pocket filled with pus that forms at the end of the roots in your tooth. It can also develop when the infection spreads to the gums, surrounding tissue, or even the surrounding bones. Along with abscesses, infections in the root canal can also have other adverse effects. These may include swelling and bone loss.

When You Need to See a Dentist

Contrary to popular belief, root canal procedures are virtually painless and result in less discomfort during recovery than if you were to have your tooth extracted. Many people think that root canals are hellishly painful procedure but thanks to modern techniques and anesthesia, patients who undergo the procedure are six times more likely to call it painless in comparison to those who have their tooth removed. Another myth is that root canals weaken the tooth, but the truth is that teeth can last a lifetime with proper care and good oral hygiene even after going through a root canal treatment.


Choosing a Dentist

Dr Malkinson and the team of providers at South Melbourne Dental Practice are highly experienced in all forms of dental care.  His friendly staff will accommodate your every need and make you feel right at home during every visit. The idea of getting a root canal can often be intimidating but Dr Malkinson will reassure you that everything will be all right. If you'd like to learn more about the root canal services offered by Dr. Malkinson, contact his office today to schedule a FREE Consultation.

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Caring for Tooth Pain

Teeth that need root canals are often associated with extensive decay or other forms of weakness. Due to this, a crown, post, or other restoration might need to be placed on the affected tooth to strengthen it and reduce the chances of it breaking.

After the first few days, your tooth might feel sensitive due to natural inflammation in surrounding tissues. Pain is more likely if an infection was present prior to the procedure. This pain can be alleviated through the use of over-the-counter pain medications such as Aspirin or other similar drugs.


The Treatment Process

The first step of the procedure involves taking an x-ray to see the shape of your root canals and see whether or not there is any sign of infection in surrounding bones. Dr. Malkinson will proceed to use local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. A rubber dam will be placed around your tooth to keep the area dry and saliva-free. Once your tooth is numbed and clean, Dr. Malkinson will drill an access hole into the tooth. The pulp — along with bacteria, decayed nerve tissue, and other debris — will be removed from the tooth.

After a thorough cleaning, the tooth is sealed. If the root canal procedure cannot be completed on the same day, a temporary filling will be placed in the hole to keep out saliva and food. The final step is the filling of the tooth and permanent sealing using a compound called gutta percha.

Post-Treatment Care

Teeth that need root canals are often victim to extensive decay or other forms of weakness. Due to this, a crown, post, or other restoration might need to be placed on the affected tooth to strengthen it and reduce the chances of it breaking.

After the first few days, your tooth might feel sensitive due to natural inflammation in surrounding tissues. Pain is more likely if an infection was present prior to the procedure. This pain can be alleviated through the use of over-the-counter pain medications such as Aspirin or similar.

Dr Malkinson understands that tooth infections can be intimidating. His many years of experience allow him to bring a wealth of experience to each treatment including root canal.

Real Solutions - Real Results

The smiles you see below are of actual patients. We invite you to take a moment and browse through these case presentations*.

Case Presentation: Invisalign
Case Presentation: Whitening and Veneers
Case Presentation: Porcelain Crowns
Case Presentation: Coloured Fillings

*Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

If you'd like to learn more about root canal treatment or one of the other services offered by Dr. Malkinson, contact his office today to schedule a FREE Smile Assessment.

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Additional Services

Dr. Malkinson offers restorative and cosmetic dental services at South Melbourne Dental Practice. No matter what your dental concerns are, Dr. Malkinson and his team can provide the services you need.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry



Dental Implants

Dental Implants

General Dentistry

General Dentistry

*Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. To see a complete list of services we offer click here.