Tips To Protect Your Brilliant Smile

Tips To Protect Your Brilliant Smile

You can have a gorgeous white smile that lasts for a lifetime! Some tips can keep your teeth beautiful and healthy.

Proper Brushing and Flossing

When you were a child, you were probably taught to brush your teeth after each meal and snack. This is still a good idea, even though you’re an adult. If you can’t brush each time you eat, brush each morning and at night. Rinse with fresh water every time you eat. Use dental floss once a day.

If you’re not sure which floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, or mouthwash are suitable for you, you can ask us at your next appointment.

Regular Visits to the Dentist

You should visit the dentist every six months. If you’ve had dental work, or have a specific dental problem, you may need to come in more often. A routine visit will include a complete exam and professional cleaning.

Both of these features are essential to your dental health. The instruments we use in the office can remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria that you can’t remove with your toothbrush. It can greatly reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. An exam will let your dentist know if you have an oral health problem that needs treatment.

Tips for your Diet

It shouldn’t be surprising that what you eat and drink affects your teeth. Crunchy fruits and vegetables will help your teeth stay clean and healthy. Avoid drinks and foods that can stain teeth, including soft drinks, red wine, tomato sauce, and dark berries. Avoid hard foods that can chip dental work and your natural teeth, such as popcorn and nuts.

Sticky foods can stick to tooth enamel and increase your risk of dental decay. Do not eat sticky sweets, caramels, or other sticky foods unless you brush your teeth immediately.

Acidic beverages and foods can also harm tooth enamel. Some examples are citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons.

Lifestyle Habits and Your Smile

When you want healthy teeth and a white smile, don’t smoke or use any tobacco products. Don’t chew or bite objects that don’t belong in your mouth. If you chew on pens, or ice from beverages, it’s time to give up the habit.

When you have a brilliant smile, you never need to lose it. With these easy tips, you can always be proud of your smile. You can have confidence in social settings because you know you look your best.

For more tips, or for a routine visit, contact Dr Camelia Furlan at Dentique Dental Spain Mount Lawley. The friendly staff wants to meet you, and help you have the smile of your dreams.


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Dr. Furlan
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Furlan. Dr. Camelia Furlan is practicing dentist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, health educator, life coach and author. Over the past 23 years, Dr Furlan has discovered the many secrets to being successful in all other aspects of life…relationships, health, wealth, and career. Read her full bio