Caring For Your Invisalign Aligners

Caring For Your Invisalign Aligners

It’s natural to be excited over having your teeth fixed, and you’re looking forward to straight teeth and a beautiful smile. For treatment to be a good experience with results you’ll be proud of, it’s important to take care of your clear aligners.

Keep Aligners Clean

You must keep your aligner trays clean. Don’t use toothpaste to clean your braces. Clean them carefully with warm soapy water and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Brush Your Teeth

Brush your teeth every time you eat so food particles don’t remain in your mouth. You don’t want food to become trapped underneath the braces. If you’re unable to brush, rinse your teeth thoroughly with fresh water. Make sure your teeth are clean before you reinsert your aligners.

Keep the Aligners Safe

Store your Invisalign clear aligners properly so they’ll stay in good condition and be effective. Don’t store them near heat, such as near a stove or in direct sunlight. Store them in a cool, dust-free area away from pets and children. For the safest, cleanest storage, keep your aligners in a suitable storage case whenever you’re not wearing them. You can ask about a case when you receive your aligners.

Remove Before Eating

Remove your Invisalign braces before you eat, and before you drink hot liquids. It only takes a few minutes to take them out before meals, snacks, and hot drinks. You don’t want to damage your aligners by leaving them in when you eat. Hot coffee, tea, and soup can be harmful, too.

These few simple tips don’t take much effort or time. They’re important points to consider if your youngster needs teeth straightening and is asking you for Invisalign instead of traditional metal braces. A teen who’s responsible enough to follow these tips can be considered mature enough for Invisalign treatment.

Throughout the months of your treatment, make sure to apply these tips every day. Whether you go to work or school, you must take time to care for your aligners. They’ll stay in good condition until you don’t need them anymore. If you have any other questions about your aligners, Dr Furlan will be happy to provide information when you come in to our office. Contact Dr Camelia Furlan at Dentique Dental Spain Mount Lawley for an appointment.


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Dr. Furlan
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Furlan. Dr. Camelia Furlan is practicing dentist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, health educator, life coach and author. Over the past 23 years, Dr Furlan has discovered the many secrets to being successful in all other aspects of life…relationships, health, wealth, and career. Read her full bio