How Dentists Whiten Teeth

How Do Dentists Whiten Teeth?

There are a number of approaches to teeth whitening. The method that’ll work best for you mainly depends on the type of stains that are on your teeth.

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains are the easiest type of stains to remove. They can be caused by a variety of factors.


Your diet is a common example. Dark foods such as berries and tomato sauce can stain teeth. Stains can also come from soft drinks and red wine. Acidic foods, such as citrus juices and fruits, can damage tooth enamel, increasing the risk of stains.

Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle habits can stain your teeth. Poor dental hygiene, and tobacco use, can result in stains. You can also develop stains if you have poor dental health, even if you take care of your teeth.

Store Whitening Kits

Whitening products you can buy at a store are not always effective. They can increase sensitivity, and be difficult to use. If you want to whiten your teeth at home, you can ask Dr Furlan for a whitening kit. The whitening kits are easier to use, and more effective than other home-whitening products.

If you want the most impressive benefits, though, consider in-office whitening. We use a laser teeth whitening method in our office. It will not irritate your gums, and does not cause sensitivity. You can sit comfortably in the chair for around an hour, and your teeth will be up to 8 shades lighter.

Intrinsic Stains

As intrinsic stains are much different, good results require a different approach. Intrinsic stains can be caused by aging, medications, or trauma. The decision to remove the stains or cover them up matters when you want the best results. As intrinsic stains are deep stains, whitening won’t work as well.

You’ll have nice teeth when your dentist covers the stains. Depending on the condition of your teeth, we can use veneers, dental crowns, or dental bonding. No one will know you’ve had cosmetic dental work, and even the most deeply stained teeth will look awesome.

Perhaps your teeth aren’t as white and bright as they were a long time ago, or perhaps there are stains that cause embarrassment when you smile. Regardless of the reason your teeth don’t look their best, you can have a beautiful white smile again. Your first step toward an attractive smile is to make an appointment to see Dr Furlan at Dentique Dental Spa! We’ll let you know which method of teeth whitening is the best option for you.


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Dr. Furlan
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Furlan. Dr. Camelia Furlan is practicing dentist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, health educator, life coach and author. Over the past 23 years, Dr Furlan has discovered the many secrets to being successful in all other aspects of life…relationships, health, wealth, and career. Read her full bio