When Do You Need See an Emergency Dentist?

There are times when you  can’t wait a fortnight for the next available appointment, you need to see an experienced dentist now! You may be in a great deal of pain, or your day is impacted to an unacceptable degree because of an issue with your teeth, mouth or gums. Any of these qualifies as an emergency, and you will need to seek care at an emergency dental clinic.

Alleviate Pain

One of the biggest reasons our patients see us is to alleviate pain. Pain can vary, from dull and throbbing to sharp and constant. One of the primary services offered by an emergency dentist is stopping the intense paid and discomfort you may be feeling.

Once we’ve got your pain under control, it becomes easier to assess the issue and the next steps. Our dentist may opt to perform treatment right away, and perform some exploratory work. Alternatively, if it’s not a serious issue and the pain can be controlled with pain management medications, we’ll schedule you in for a more routine (or perhaps more comprehensive) examination ASAP. With pain under control, you can likely get back to your daily life and come back at a later date for additional treatment.

Repairing Damage

If you have significant damage from a trauma that can’t wait, call our dental clinic and make an appointment with one of our emergency dentists.

  • Damage could be a tooth that’s been chipped or cracked and hurts a lot.
  • It could be a split-open lip caused by a hard contact during a football match.
  • Any number of dental or mouth-related damage scenarios.

Your emergency  dentist will know what to do; all you have to do is find someone to give you a ride to our clinic!

Knocked Out Tooth

A tooth that has been knocked out of its socket requires immediate attention. If it has fallen out or is still hanging on, your tooth has a significantly higher chance of being saved if you seek help right away. Call your neighbourhood dental clinic.

Uncontrolled Gum Or Mouth Bleeding

What causes gums to bleed? Quite often, you’ll see some blood around your gums if:

  • You tend to brush your teeth quite hard, gums sometimes bleed a bit.
  • After you’ve bitten something especially crunchy or with sharp edges.

Bleeding from the gums or any part of your mouth that just won’t stop is cause for concern. Seek emergency dental care right away because it could be caused by disease or other trauma to the mouth.

Dental Crown Came Off

Dental crowns are designed to be durable and permanent. However, a crown can sometimes become loose, and it may not possible to eat or continue with your normal routine when there’s a loose crown inside your mouth. It may become painful because part of the tooth  structure and nerves may be exposed.

If this happens to you, it needs attention right away, whether or not there is any associated pain, or the pain is mild.

Your Family’s Emergency Dental Clinic

We offer a full range of dental care services for your whole family. Regular check and clean, general and restorative dentistry as well as cosmetic dental services.

In summary, if you encounter one of the aforementioned dental issues, this is how we can help you:

  • Getting your pain under control quickly
  • Tending to your broken teeth or mouth wounds right away
  • Finding acceptable temporary solutions while a new permanent crown is made
  • Stopping any oral bleeding that is ongoing and you can’t get under control
  • Doing everything possible to save a knocked-out tooth

Our experienced dental team is here for you. Don’t hesitate to call if you start having problems with your teeth.