Dental Emergency – gum or tooth abscess

Having a dental emergency? Most dental emergencies are nowhere near the severity of other medical emergencies.

In most cases, it’s the potential of extreme pain that is the issue, not health. You should still call your dentist right away.

In this article, we’ll address the issue of what to do if you have an abscess around your teeth or gums.

Why is an Abscess a Problem?

  • A gum abscess looks like a yellow, red, clear, or whitish pimple on the gum.
  • It could mean the tooth is infected or the gum is infected, meaning you need a root canal or an extraction. In some cases, antibiotics and an x-ray will be needed.
  • If the cause is gum disease then this could lead to permanent gum recession, but the sooner you get to it, the less likely that will happen.

What to Do

An abscess can lead to facial swelling and potentially severe complications. It likely will not get better by itself. Here are some tips:

  • You need to be seen immediately. Talk to your dentist over the phone, you may require antibiotics first.
  • Do not pop the gum abscess like a pimple.
  • Make an appointment for the next day.
  • Keep brushing and flossing that area as usual.
  • Don’t put this off too long. In my experience, abscesses lead to facial swelling and potentially severe systemic complications, always at the worst possible time.

With most dental emergencies, severe pain may be a factor. If you can’t manage the pain without painkillers you might consider Panadol and/or ibuprofen – but only if you have no previous allergies or medications that can interact with these painkillers. You can check with your doctor and pharmacy but these two painkillers are the most commonly used to curb dental pain. Codeine or tramadol can be added in extreme cases but you will need a prescription for this.

If you have a dental emergency, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to give you guidance and support.


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Dr. Furlan
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Furlan. Dr. Camelia Furlan is practicing dentist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, health educator, life coach and author. Over the past 23 years, Dr Furlan has discovered the many secrets to being successful in all other aspects of life…relationships, health, wealth, and career. Read her full bio