(08) 9468 3327
(08) 9468 3327
Featured Dentist
Dr. Eric Wang
25/108 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000
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Smile Makeovers
Free Smile Assessment* ($250 value)
Offer Expires: June 2, 2024
(*) Terms & Conditions

Smile Makeovers – be Proud of Your Smile

The dreaded words. You know, the ones that instantly have us pursing our lips and forcing the corners of our mouths up in semblance of a curve? "Smile for the camera"!

Your friends and families want to make memories—meanwhile, you want to forget what your smile looks like.

The above scenario is a common one, but it doesn’t need to be, and the days of you being embarrassed of your smile are over. Learn to love your smile again with a smile makeover from Dr. Wang.


Meet Dr. Wang – a dentist that cares

Dr. Eric Wang is a licensed dentist dedicated to saving smiles across the Perth suburbs. Dr. Wang tackles a range of dental issues, from discoloration to rotted teeth and gum disease. Through a combination of services, he can turn those pursed-lip poses into pearly-white smiles.

Ask Dr. Wang call 08 9468 3327
Dr. Eric Wang

What is a Smile Makeover?

In the same way that a fashion makeover investigates your closet for style and substance, a smile makeover examines all of the underlying causes that lead to your discomfort, misalignment or abnormalities.

Alignment, colouration, and more come into play when Dr. Wang creates your personalised plan of action, and he can help you address them all with ease.

A poor smile can be the results of several factors. Poor dental hygiene during youth, certain medications, alcohol or tobacco consumption, genetic pre-disposition and more can lead to discolouration or an aged appearance. But these factors can be overcome, leading to a beautiful smile that you’ll want to show off.

man with nice smile

Tooth Issues and their Solutions


  • Silver or Amalgam dental fillings.
  • Stained or dulled teeth.
  • Potential solutions: whitening, cleaning, filling replacement, veneers.


Alignment and Spacing

  • Crooked or overlapping teeth.
  • Unusual gaps between teeth.
  • Potential solutions: veneers, alignment procedures. (e.g. Invisalign, braces)


Missing Teeth

  • Can affect bite.
  • Increase tooth decay.
  • Potential solutions: dental implants, bridges, partial dentures.


Tooth Length

  • Teeth can appear shorter from overactive gums.
  • Wear and tear can shorten teeth.
  • Potential solutions: composite bonding, veneers, modify gum length.

Call Doctor Wang for a consultation

How is a Smile Makeover Performed?

Smile makeovers are different for every patient. Dr. Wang will work closely with you to determine what orthodontic procedures will best help your smile. These procedures can include a variety of cosmetic dentistry techniques and applications.

During your evaluation and planning stages, Dr. Wang will walk you through any procedures he recommends to help with your smile makeover. The final decision will rest with you given the information he provides and what works for your schedule and budget.

Types of Smile Enhancement Procedures

Dental Veneers

Veneers are ultra-thin shells of porcelain or composite. They are custom made to match your tooth colouration and are cemented over your teeth to correct issues like worn enamel or uneven alignment.


Composite Bonding

Bonding refers to a permanent attachment, such as a bridge, veneer, or crown. Dr. Wang will use tooth-colored composites to close gaps, fill cavities, or repair chips.


Dental Implants

Artificial teeth roots help stop or prevent jaw bone loss. Prosthetic teeth fill in gaps left by missing teeth. Tooth loss can come from decal, failed root canals, gum disease, oral trauma, wear & tear, or congenital defects. Dental Implants can replace missing teeth to assist with chewing and other functions.


Teeth Whitening

Quick and non-invasive, whitening comes in a variety of forms. Whitening is used to correct enamel discolouration caused by stains. Stains can be on the surface of teeth (e.g. from soft drinks, tobacco, wear and tear) or the interior of teeth (e.g. from trauma or exposure to certain minerals).


Another popular option for adults is the Invisalign system. We create sets of clear trays or aligners that you wear for most of the day, taking it out when you eat or clean your teeth. Like braces, they gradually move the teeth to an optimal position over time, but they are practically invisible, and avoid the problems associated with traditional braces such as cleaning and having bits of food stuck in the brackets.

Read more about our Invisalign products by clicking here.

picture of lady with invisalign tray

Learn to Love Your Smile Again

Make lasting memories with family and friends, without having to worry about how the pictures come out. You can have a smile worthy of magazines— we can help. To set up a consultation with Dr. Wang, call our office today.

Real Results

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