(08) 9468 3327
(08) 9468 3327
Featured Dentist
Dr. Eric Wang
25/108 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000
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Crowns & Veneers
Free Smile Assessment* ($250 value)
Offer Expires: May 21, 2024
(*) Terms & Conditions

Improving Your Smile with Crowns and Veneers

A great smile can help you take on the world with confidence. If your smile has you feeling insecure, we have options to help improve the appearance of your teeth and make you proud of those pearly whites in no time flat.

Two common, yet great solutions we use to help bring back your smile include crowns and veneers.

As you look into options to enhance the look and health of your teeth, it’s essential to work with an experienced dentist. Dr. Eric Wang is a licensed dentist with a deep understanding of how to keep your teeth healthy and looking their best. He is available to help you review your options and guide you to the best choice for your needs.

Further, his clinic and staff utilize the latest and greatest dental techniques and technology to make sure you get the best service possible, from a team that is passionate, caring and friendly.

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Dr. Eric Wang

Crowns and Veneers

Crowns and veneers are two options to consider you have teeth that are badly discolored, chipped, or have gaps or irregular spacing.

Veneers are a less intrusive option than crowns, and can also be used to correct small misalignments in teeth. Veneers cover the front of the tooth, whereas crowns encase the entire tooth and may be used for cosmetic reasons, to cover and strengthen a damaged tooth, or to cover an implant.

lady with nice smile makeover with veneers

What Is a Crown?

Crowns, which are sometimes referred to as caps, cover the entire tooth. They help restore your tooth back to its natural shape, appearance, and functionality.

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials depending on your needs and the purpose of the crown. Available materials include metal alloys, composite resin, porcelain, and ceramic varieties. Dr. Wang can assist you in choosing the materials that are best for your situation and desired outcome, as well as your budget.


Why Would I Need a Crown?

There are several reasons you may need a crown:

  • You want to cover a badly stained tooth
  • You want to change the shape of a tooth
  • You are having a root canal
  • You are getting a dental implant
  • You have a badly decayed tooth
  • Your teeth have worn down by grinding

These represent some of the most common reasons a crown may be the best choice for you. They can strengthen your teeth and are suitable for back teeth that do the bulk of the chewing as well as front teeth.

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What to Expect When I Get a Crown

A crown generally takes two dental appointments to fully implement. During your first appointment, we will prepare your tooth by removing the outer portion of the tooth along with any decay. If your tooth’s inner structure needs to be rebuilt, this is typically done during your first appointment as well.

During your first appointment, we will also make an impression of your tooth so we can create a model that matches your teeth. We will give you a temporary crown to wear while you wait for your next appointment.

During your second appointment, we put the new crown in and make any adjustments needed to ensure it fits. Once you’re happy with its appearance, we cement the crown into place.

What Is a Veneer?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin that fits over the front of your teeth. A veneer is custom-made for your teeth and is designed to look natural.


Why Would I Need Veneers?

A veneer may work for you if you have:

  • Slightly discolored teeth
  • Moderate decay
  • Cracked or fractured teeth
  • Slight crookedness in your teeth

A veneer can help strengthen your teeth and restore functionality.

What Should I Expect When I Get a Veneer?

The process for getting a veneer varies depending on whether you’re getting a composite veneer or porcelain veneer. Composite veneers are directly applied to the teeth and can typically be completed in one visit.

Porcelain veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth, and three dentist visits are typically needed. During the first visit, we trim down your teeth to prepare it for your veneer. We then take an impression of your tooth so we can design the veneer to be a perfect fit. In the interim, while your permanent veneer is being fabricated, then we fit you with a temporary veneer.

At your next dentist appointment, we remove the temporary veneer and install the permanent porcelain veneer. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for about a week later so we can confirm that the veneer is comfortable and working well for you.

Ready to Get Started? Have Questions?

If you have teeth that keep you from smiling, reach out to our office and schedule an appointment today. Dr. Wang can help guide you to the best solution for your needs.

Our team are passionate about helping patients just like you achieve the look, feel and function they’ve dreamed of. Reach out today to learn more about why we’re one of the top-rated dental clinics in the area.

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