Orthodontics or Veneers Correct Misalignment On Front Teeth

Orthodontics or Veneers To Correct Minor Misalignment On Front Teeth

Minor misalignment can affect your oral health as well as your appearance. It’s a good idea to have this issue corrected. You may be thinking of Invisalign clear braces, traditional braces, or dental veneers.

Permanent Results and Treatment Time

Time is one reason veneers aren’t the best solution. Although it takes much less time to obtain dental veneers, the results aren’t permanent. Veneers can last for many years, but they’ll eventually need to be replaced. An additional complication is veneers don’t necessarily correct any underlying problems.

Clear braces and metal braces can both provide permanent solutions. If time is an issue, though, Invisalign treatment can usually be accomplished in a shorter period of time than traditional metal braces. For some people, treatment can be completed in as little as three months.


Veneers may seem like the least costly option, but this isn’t the case when you need more than one. Veneers can end up costing more than braces.

Metal braces usually do cost less than Invisalign clear aligners, but the benefits of Invisalign outweigh the extra cost.

Comfort During Treatment

You won’t have discomfort with dental veneers, and only a short adjustment period if you choose Invisalign braces. Discomfort is a top reason people avoid metal braces.


When you’re considering the final results, for straight teeth with a completely natural look, start with Invisalign. The bottom line is Invisalign works just as well as, if not better than, traditional metal braces. Both metal braces and Invisalign gently move teeth into their proper place, so your teeth will be perfectly aligned. While the length of treatment depends on your teeth, it won’t be long before you have straight teeth and an attractive smile.

You want to look your best, and that’s our goal, too! You may have a personal preference, or want to discuss your options with an experienced dental professional. To learn more about teeth straightening, and which option is most appropriate for you, start by making an appointment to see Dr Furlan at Dentique Dental Spa. We’ll be happy to welcome you to our office, and provide all the information you need to make a decision.


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Dr. Furlan
This article was reviewed and approved by Dr. Furlan. Dr. Camelia Furlan is practicing dentist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, health educator, life coach and author. Over the past 23 years, Dr Furlan has discovered the many secrets to being successful in all other aspects of life…relationships, health, wealth, and career. Read her full bio