5 Things You Didn’t Know About Invisalign

If you’re like most people, you don’t have much information about this exciting new method of teeth straightening. When you hear about some special features, you’ll decide it is right for you.

  1. The Invisalign process starts with 3D scanning technology. Unlike goopy moulds, scanning is simple, comfortable, and accurate. Your custom made aligners will fit perfectly, so the entire treatment process is a comfortable experience.
  2. You’ll know the results you can expect before your treatment starts. You’ll have even more confidence that you’ve chosen the right treatment method.
  3. You don’t need frequent visits to the dentist. After the initial scan, you’ll only need to come in to pick up new sets of aligners and a quick check up to make sure your teeth are moving as expected.
  4. Many celebrities use Invisalign. While Invisalign is suitable for average people of all ages, you may be interested in knowing famous people like the Invisalign system, too!
  5. Teeth straightening with Invisalign can actually improve your health.

Health and Invisalign

You’re able to eat a full range of nutritious foods when it’s easier to bite and chew. Your general health will be better when you can enjoy a balanced diet. You’ll also not be bothered by digestive problems from trying to eat foods you can’t chew. In addition, straighter teeth can reduce your risk of breathing issues and jaw problems.

In addition, you’ll enjoy better oral health. When your teeth are crooked or crowded, it’s difficult to keep your teeth clean. Brushing and flossing aren’t as effective. After your teeth have been straightened with the Invisalign process, home oral care will be easy and thorough. When your teeth are always clean, it’ll reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Dr Vicky Ho and her team want you to be confident about choosing Invisalign for teeth straightening. We want your treatment process to be a good experience, and for you to be delighted with the results. Whether you have more questions about Invisalign or you’re anxious to have your teeth straightened, start by contacting our office for an appointment.